GrandCoaching™ Course - $99 USD

Pioneering Spiritual Guidance Strategies

Pioneering Spiritual Guidance Strategies

During the mid-2000s, a convergence of minds took place. Christian life coaches, counselors, ministry leaders, and a respected Christian psychiatrist began to develop an innovative strategy to provide Faith-based direction and encouragement in a collaborative setting. United by a shared vision of offering meaningful spiritual guidance and rekindling the flames of renewal, this collective endeavor bore the seeds of transformation.

During a meeting in suburban Dallas, a strategy was meticulously crafted, one that would usher in a novel approach to aiding those in search of direction. This effort gave birth to what would eventually morph into The Master Life Coach Training Institute.

At its core, The Master Life Coach Training Institute is a testament to the power of collective wisdom and unwavering dedication. This organization provides an array of biblically rooted life coaching courses that are being used in Bible colleges, Christian universities and theological seminaries throughout the USA and worldwide.

Since that initial meeting, the ripple effect of this endeavor has been profound. With each course crafted and each student equipped, the legacy of that gathering continues to thrive, illuminating the paths of countless individuals seeking solace, direction, and a deeper connection to their faith.