GrandCoaching™ Course - $99 USD

Shaping Futures and Nurturing Faith

Shaping Futures and Nurturing Faith

In a world filled with evolving challenges, the influence of grandparents emerges as a steadfast beacon of hope. With an unwavering commitment to shaping the lives of our grandchildren, we at The Master Life Coach Training Institute recognize the pivotal role that God has assigned to grandparents. Through their wisdom and guidance, they possess the power to intercept and redirect the perilous currents of contemporary trends.

Our institute proudly presents a transformative solution: a 16-part GrandCoaching Course designed to equip you with the essential tools of Christian life coaching. This course will empower you to engage your grandchildren in a positive and impactful manner, countering the potentially harmful effects of the modern era.

You'll not only discover the art of bonding with your grandchildren, but also the profound significance of setting a godly example. You will develop impactful skills, including active listening and asking cultivation questions. GrandCoachingserves as a conduit through which you can effectively communicate the truths encapsulated in the Bible, thereby shaping their perspectives and worldviews. In these interactions, the seeds of faith may be sown, paving the way for a personal connection to Christ and the ability to take a positive stand against unbiblical cultural trends.

Our approach transcends the boundaries of time. We view faith-based life coaching as a 21st-Century tool that echoes a timeless First-Century mandate. As Jesus exhorted his disciples in Matthew 28, we too embrace the call to make disciples. Through our course, you become an active participant in this sacred journey, ensuring that the flame of faith burns bright in the hearts of the next generation.

Enroll with us today to embark on this meaningful endeavor, where the guidance you provide as a grandparent becomes a powerful instrument for steering your grandchildren away from destructive influences and towards a life illuminated by unwavering values and enduring faith.